Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Moab - Family Bike Ride

On President's Day, we did the Bar-M Loop trail with the Sabeys and the whole family. Soft sand is the enemy of bike trailers, but we all made it through the loop. And once again, we proved that anything you do with the Sabeys is guaranteed to be fun.



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Moab - Slickrock Trail

We've been so busy playing for the past couple of weeks that I haven't posted any of our great pictures. So here are a few from our Slickrock trail trip on Saturday.

(Pictures coming soon)

After I wiped out going over this little ledge into the deceptively soft sand below, I decided to pull out my camera and watch the rest of the group come over this spot. You might call it entrapment, but I think of it as opportunity. . . .