Sunday, January 25, 2009

The local cats

Along with the javelina that have made our house part of their routine stops, we've been seeing this bobcat frequently making trips along our back wall. I'm sure he's well fed with all of the bunnies roaming the neighborhood. The latest sighting was on Martin Luther King weekend when I got this picture. I was talking to Carol while she was making breakfast and noticed it moving along the wall. Doug (who was staying with us for the weekend) told us we could get $359 for the pelt. I'm pretty sure the gunshot would raise a few eyebrows among our neighbors though.
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1 comment:

Tara said...

Hope you don't have any outdoor pets....they might be dinner! You might want to get a fur bearers permit and some traps! Blake would be in heaven!

I don't think I'll be visiting anytime soon...